andsoitis 3 days ago

Inferno -

Description from Wikipedia: “Inferno is a distributed operating system started at Bell Labs and now developed and maintained by Vita Nuova Holdings as free software under the MIT License. Inferno was based on the experience gained with Plan 9 from Bell Labs, and the further research of Bell Labs into operating systems, languages, on-the-fly compilers, graphics, security, networking and portability.”

wormius 3 days ago

Plan 9 - one version of which is 9front, which says this:

"Multiple installation media are provided for PC, Raspberry Pi, MNT Reform, and QEMU. For PC, burn an .iso file to CD, or dd it directly to USB media. For Raspberry Pi or MNT Reform, dd an .img file directly to sdcard.

The pi.img file can be used for Raspberry Pi 1, 2, and 3. The pi3.img file can be used for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4.

QEMU images are provided in QCOW2 format."

  • rewgs 3 days ago

    OP said non-Unix. I'd say that the successor to Unix is Unix-y enough to not qualify for this thread.

    • opless 3 days ago

      It’s not as unix-y as you think.

      Go try it

      • bandie91 3 days ago

        AFAIA plan9 takes the original unix ideas further than Unix or its descendents. in this light, plan9 is more unixy than unix.

        • opless 3 days ago

          In two aspects only

          1. Everything is a file. 2. A command does only one thing well

          There's no init, fstab, etc etc etc. Very little of your Unix muscle memory will work.

      • rewgs 2 days ago

        I've used it plenty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's an odd duck and very interesting but the Unix roots are still clear IMO.

pajko 3 days ago
  • 2809 3 days ago


    • dredmorbius 3 days ago


      • 2809 3 days ago

        I'm not going to go into it but you can look up most of the information about this dating back 25 years. As someone who was around at the time in that community, and was in certain locations of interest at the time, its best to avoid and use the public projects like AROS etc.

lboc 3 days ago

Are we to assume you want it to run on actual hardware? I imagine there are a number of OSes that qualify if emulation is acceptable. One I like:

Full S/370 assembler source included.

  • rbanffy 3 days ago

    Indeed. Very alien to Unix users. Also, the idea of virtual machine is totally different from what we currently use in KVM.

evanjrowley 6 days ago

Technically you can run Redox-OS on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (ARM), but it still works best on x86_64:

If you decide you miss DOS, then you can also use the DOS emulator available on Redox-OS. It's not Linux but there are some linux-inspired stuff there, including apps from the Cosmic desktop environment. Both announced here:

  • anta40 6 days ago

    "We are not a Linux/BSD clone, or POSIX-compliant..."


    "It should be able to run most Linux/BSD programs with minimal modifications"

    Hmm weird. Will give it a try, anyway.

toast0 3 days ago

I've got a hobby OS that's currently x86 32-bit only. amd64 and arm64 are on my roadmap, but if all goes well, it's going to be the same experience on all three platforms, so arm64 won't be anymore exciting than x86 32-bit. Other than, you could run it on a raspberry pi or maybe an arm apple.

I imagine most hobby OSes are looking at arm support vs adding something else, and arm support is going to be more fiddly and have less to show for it. I haven't found much time to work on mine lately, but other things are way more important like getting my virtio-net driver and the v86 virtio-net device to work together; having networking in would be really neat. Running on a pi would be neat too, but a browser demo is way more accessible.

yann-gael 6 days ago

You could try MorphOS or AROS, which turn your (old) Mac and others into Amigas

Amlal 5 days ago

I'm surprised that nobody has talked about HaikuOS, I used to daily drive for a while before returning to Linux or OS X, depending on what I do.

DrNosferatu 3 days ago

I see many OSes here that are missing some lengthy, but apparently not extremely complicated - and quite well defined - parts / components / modules.

I wonder if letting loose a coding LLM on them with clear goals and a feedback loop, could bring them to (at least near) completion?

  • BearOso 3 days ago

    Probably not helpfully. There isn't much like this to be found in any training data. The required code would be too novel, and I predict an LLM would hallucinate a good 2/3.

    • DrNosferatu 3 days ago

      Wine improvement could be aided with LLMs by monitoring the output of a windows VM running and see what exactly to display, and what exactly to have in working (not program) RAM.

      Same goes for perfect OpenSource Office with MSOffice compatibility: MSOffice is running on Windows is continuously monitored for reference, showing exactly what needs to be outputted. Have this in a feedback and reinforcement loop.

    • DrNosferatu 3 days ago

      My point is to ask the LLM to implement the well-defined design documents. And tests for verification.

johnklos 3 days ago

TOPS on old PDP hardware (or an emulator) is quite interesting. If nothing else, it gives an appreciation for the age of many of the ideas that ended up in later OSes like CP/M and MS-DOS.

pjmlp 3 days ago

Project Oberon,

The evolution of Oberon based OSes,


Active Oberon which is the Oberon variant I prefer,

Some screenshots at my article, take it while the site still exists,

SPIN, done in Modula-3



although no source code, the blog posts, existing talks and internal session at Microsof do provide some nice overview,

"The Midori Operating System Overview"

"Safe Systems Programming in C# and .NET"

"Safe Systems Software and the Future of Computing"

Xerox PARC Mesa, used on the Xerox Star OS

Xerox PARC Cedar, used on Dorado platforms

Xerox PARC Smalltalk,

original documentation can be taken from

- Smalltalk-80, Bits of History, Words of Advice

- Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation

- Smalltalk-80, The Interactive Programming Environment

Squeak and Pharos linage,

Xerox PARC Interlisp-D, with Medley

House, written in Haskell

MirageOS, written in OCaml, partially used by Docker (TCP/IP stack), and Xen Hypervisor


Solo in Concurrent Pascal,

The solo operating system: A concurrent pascal program

Lillith in Modula-2

Now go out and explore, UNIX is not the be all, end all of how an OS is supposed to be, neither is C the ultimate systems programming language.

bohdanqq 4 days ago

HelenOS is multi-platform. Their certificate expired but from their site:

> HelenOS runs on eight different processor architectures

Pretty sure ARM is one of those.

mycall 3 days ago

Genode is interesting

486sx33 6 days ago

There is an arm version of pretty much every major Linux distribution now. I’ve used mint, debian, and kali all on arm.

Also, see below

  • anta40 6 days ago

    My mistake. Guess what I meant is UNIX and UNIX-like.

    Nothing personal against Linux, but I'd like to see something new, like TempleOS, for example.

    • 486sx33 4 days ago

      There is quite a selection in the link I posted… for example FreeBSD/ARM

      • p_ing 3 days ago

        FreeBSD is a direct descendant of BSD which is UNIX. The BSDs are about as close as you can get to UNIX today.