I can't be creative without sleep. My dreams rarely make sense, and I sleep less as I get older as the author mentioned, but the little rest I do get is impactful on nearly every aspect of my life in work, exercise, mood, etc.
An article was trending on here recently about how our brains reset with sleep[1].
It's a meditation on the meaning and practise of "rest". I can imagine that wouldn't appeal to everyone. Perhaps it helps to see it a collection of small points.
I think he's saying most people his age need to pee several times a night. Reminds me of being a new-ish parent. Not something I want to revisit in a hurry!
I can't be creative without sleep. My dreams rarely make sense, and I sleep less as I get older as the author mentioned, but the little rest I do get is impactful on nearly every aspect of my life in work, exercise, mood, etc.
An article was trending on here recently about how our brains reset with sleep[1].
1. https://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(24)00887-0
I don't like this kind of article. It tends to be very verbose but doesn't really have a point.
It's a meditation on the meaning and practise of "rest". I can imagine that wouldn't appeal to everyone. Perhaps it helps to see it a collection of small points.
I cannot read this on my phone. The text jumps up and down as I scroll.
I only had 1 slight jump on Android/Firefox.
When I scroll past the title it jumps to the main paragraph. This seems to be the only jumps for me.
If you continuously scroll up/down around that point it is really annoying.
Page positioning is an important feature but more often used for flash rather than function.
It seemed to stop once I scrolled down far enough into the article. But it was jarring and unnecessary.
Can anybody suggest a simple cli tool (besides curl ofc) for calling REST endpoints, since this article didn't provide that ;)
I can't help you with REST, but I can show you how to make a SOAP request
Posting is my personal favourite https://github.com/darrenburns/posting
not the fastest but brilliant tool
Hi, you may like Hurl [1] it's a cli based on curl to make REST call, add asserts on results, chains requests etc... I'm one of the maintainer
[1]: https://hurl.dev
xh is Nice: https://github.com/ducaale/xh
There's also curlie: https://github.com/rs/curlie
Httpie: https://httpie.io/cli/run
If you rephrase that to tools which deals with what the endpoints emits there is a boatload. Most emits JSON but XML can be found as well.
Personally I use jaq. Gojq is nice as well. Both. Inspired by the original ja. You can find many lists[1].
I would especially point out jid[2] which often comes in handy to explore apis.
Or if we stay at the http calling level and the command line: wget or fetch.
If you include scripting languages then most http libraries will do. With Python a simple approach would be "python -m json.tool".
[1] https://ilya-sher.org/2018/04/10/list-of-json-tools-for-comm...
[2] https://github.com/simeji/jid
>As an adolescent, I remember sleeping eight-, nine-, 10-hour periods. Now if I can do two or three hours at a stretch, I feel vaguely triumphant.
Wow. So little sleep is very bad for health (mental and physical).
I think he does more than one of these stretches at a time.
Well, he's 88.
I think he's saying most people his age need to pee several times a night. Reminds me of being a new-ish parent. Not something I want to revisit in a hurry!
As long as you can get right back to sleep after you're woken by pee or whatever, it's not unhealthy.
no rest for the wicked
Oh boy, Joseph Epstein.