Show HN: Rank And File – a platform for employee activism

4 points by vmurthy 2 days ago

Friends, HNers , countrymen: tl;dr Employee Unions are dead (non-existent in tech). A collective where employees own shares in the company they work for should give a voice to the employees with the management.

I am happy to launch Rank And File, a platform for employee activism. Think Institutional Investors but instead of suits, it is employees who own a large number of shares in their own company and act as a collective.

R&F aims to provide a private forum for employees to discuss company policies and act as a platform where employees can connect with legal experts and activists who will help them.

what aspects of this do you think can work? What won't?

nextts a day ago

Does rank and file "work" for regular employees who don't have company shares? I.e. does it help people facilitate a union?

You say unions are dead but this feels closest to a union (union platform) anyway. If the employees own the company that is probably a partnership.

ideashower a day ago

I mean I get this but creating better organizing tools for employees to organize safely and semi-anonymously is probably more urgently needed, no?