zilk 13 hours ago

Hi HackerNews I'm a high school student who's been pulled in by the entrepreneurship idea, and I wanted to share my journey with you all.

Like many of you, I've been captivated by Starter Story's YouTube channel. Watching video after video of entrepreneurs sharing their experiences has been incredibly inspiring. It's amazing to see how people have taken their ideas and turned them into successful businesses.

As a high schooler who loves coding and tennis, I started thinking about how I could create something useful for others. The stories on Starter Story made me realize that even small tools can make a big difference.

Inspired by all the content I was consuming, I decided to build a Chrome extension called Palo YouTube Assistant. It's designed to add a new way to interact with these videos.

Enough about me though, I'm even more interested about the process of creating something from scratch and putting it out into the world.

I'd love to hear from other young entrepreneurs or those who were inspired by Starter Story. How did you get started? What challenges did you face? Any advice for a high schooler just dipping his toes into the entrepreneurial scene?

P.S. If anyone's interested in checking out Palo YouTube Assistant, i'd love to hear some feedback.