0xbadcafebee 3 hours ago

There appears to be a lot of hate towards this in the comments (because it's not perfect?), but I feel strongly that we need explicit bodies of knowledge, along with certifications for having been trained on it.

Every company I go to, the base of knowledge of all the engineers is a complete crapshoot. Most of them lack fundamental knowledge about software engineering. And they all lack fundamental knowledge about the processes used to do the work.

That's not how engineering should work. If I hire an architect, I shouldn't have to quiz them to find out if they understand Young's Modulus, much less teach them about it on the job. But that's completely normal in software engineering today, because nobody is expected to have already learned a universal body of knowledge.

I get this thing isn't perfect. But not being perfect isn't a rational argument for not having one at all. And we certainly need to hold people accountable to have learned it before we give them a job. We need a body of knowledge, it needs to be up to date and relevant, and we need to prove people have actually read it and understood it. If this isn't it, fine, but we still need one.

(this is, by the way, kind of the whole fucking point of a trade school and professional licensing... why the fuck we don't have one for software engineers/IT, boggles my fucking mind, if this is supposed to be the future of work)

  • pnathan 13 minutes ago

    I'm more than happy to sign onto a reasonable certification. Many good reasons for it. I am, personally, fond of the idea that an ABET certified BSCS should be ground floor level. Other ideas have been floated...

    But this particular work is really, really, really awful. For reasons that are well documented.

    In the most fundamental sense, the IEEE doesn't understand what professional SWEs need, in appropriate portions. It confuses SWE with PM, badly. And it has done so, historically. To the point of wide condemnation.

  • rockemsockem 2 hours ago

    Every time I see someone post this line of reasoning they talk like this, as if other engineering disciplines all have some cert that is the god-tier cert.

    While this is true for some engineering fields it's mostly not true and I think that's a good thing because credentialism is bad actually.

    Also, architects are not even engineers.

    • Arainach an hour ago

      Credentialism is good. It provides both a trustworthy reference point and a method for punishment.

      If I want someone to do work, I want them to be licensed/certified. If they are flagrantly unsafe, I want a licensing board or similar to be able to strip that person of their ability to practice that profession. This raises public perception of the profession as a while, avoids a market for lemons, and gives some baseline.

      There are too many decisions in life to be able to spend an hour (or more) researching every option. Credentials allow a framework of trust - I don't have to decide if I trust every single engineer; if they have passed their PE exam and not had their certification taken away that is a starting point.

      • rockemsockem an hour ago

        Credentialism creates a false basis of trust and an arbitrary reference point.

        You're just arguing that you want to outsource your own decision making. You actually should interview your candidates before hiring them, whatever credential they have, because it actually is your job to ensure you work with high quality individuals.

        Credentialism basically allows the sort of low effort that you're describing and causes many places to rely solely on the credentials, which are obviously never sufficient to find high quality individuals.

        What are the jobs you're day dreaming about that require PE exams? I'd bet that requirement is much less common than you think.

        • Arainach an hour ago

          Credentialism is for more than employers. When I need an electrician or other tradesperson to work on my house, credentials are beneficial. When plans are drawn up for a deck or extension to my house, credentials are beneficial when getting an engineering signoff. Knowing that the local medical facilties employ credentialed doctors is great when I need something done. Etc., etc.

  • eacapeisfutuile an hour ago

    > Every company I go to, the base of knowledge of all the engineers is a complete crapshoot

    Sounds like unfortunate companies to go to.

    > much less teach them about it on the job

    That is literally how and where people learn the job pretty much everywhere.

    > it needs to be up to date

    Yeah, it will never be.

    > we need to prove people have actually read it and understood it


    • Jtsummers 21 minutes ago

      >> it needs to be up to date

      > Yeah, it will never be.

      And this particular document will never be up to date. SWEBOK gets updated on the order of every 5-10 years, so it's always going to be dated. This is one reason it's a poor document for its purpose. If they want it to be relevant it needs to be continuously developed and updated. Hire active editors for the different "knowledge areas" (consider even losing that notion, it's very CMMI which is not something to aspire to) and solicit contributions from practitioners to continuously add to, remove from, correct, and amend the different sections. Build out the document they actually want instead of wasting 5-10 years publishing an updated, but still out-of-date, document.

  • abtinf 3 hours ago

    > if this is supposed to be the future of work

    The day computing becomes subject to professional licensure is the day the field of computing will fall into hopeless stagnation, just like every other such field.

    • lotsoweiners 2 hours ago

      Maybe that’s not a bad thing…

      • rockemsockem 2 hours ago

        Let me hear your pro-stagnation argument

        • lantry an hour ago

          Here's my "pro-stagnation" argument: stagnation and stability are pretty much the same thing. There's a lot of infrastructure that we take for granted because it always works (water purification and distribution, bridges and roads, electrical generation and transmission, automobile engines, the quality of gasoline, the safety of food, etc). You trust that these things will work the way you expect, because they don't change very quickly. Is that stagnation or stability?

          • rockemsockem an hour ago

            So I don't know about you, but I live in America where roads, electrical generation and transmission, water purification, and bridges are all in subpar shape.

            That's super broad and I think there are complex reasons why each of these has failed, but it's pretty clear that stagnation hasn't helped and has probably actively caused harm by letting incompetence become too common in these areas.

            • patmorgan23 38 minutes ago

              This is just not the case.

              The US has lots of infrastructure that needs repair or replacement, but there are very few areas that do not have clean water, or reliable electricity (Sans extreme weather which causes disruptions in every country), and roads and bridges are all safe to drive on (when was the last time you read about a bridge that collapsed from lack of maintenance?)

              The US has its issues, but it does actually have a huge amount of superb, world class infrastructure.

        • patmorgan23 44 minutes ago

          Code that changes introduces new bugs, new bugs can be new security issues. A lower velocity would hopefully mean less changes but higher quality, more thoroughly tested changes.

        • Arainach an hour ago

          Let's start by fixing the language. It's not stagnation, it's predictability.

          Civil and mechanical engineering are not static fields. They come up with new materials, new methods, new ideas. They have tooling to understand the impact of a proposed change and standard ways to test and validate things. It is much easier to predict how long it will take to both design and build things. These are all good things.

          We would all benefit from fewer cryptoAI startups and frameworks of the week and more robust toolchains tested and evolved over decades.

          • rockemsockem an hour ago

            Why do you think such wrong things about civil and mechanical engineering.

            Tell me about all the on time and under budget civil/mechanical engineering projects that are happening.

            Do you think that just because they have physics to lean on that they can just like press solve and have accurate estimates spit out?

            Edit: I totally agree that more long-lived battle tested software toolchains and libraries would be great though

            • mckn1ght 32 minutes ago

              How do you know things wouldn’t be much much worse if there were no standards for being a civil/structural engineer or architect that have been refined over long periods of time? Imagine municipalities taking the lowest bids by far thrown out there by any rando that decided they can make a few bucks by welding together the supports for a bridge or designing a really interesting building that will just cave in on itself a decade hence.

            • Arainach an hour ago

              Such delays are overwhelmingly political, not engineering. The local government demanding yet another environmental impact review is not an engineering cost - it is a scope change.

              • eacapeisfutuile 37 minutes ago

                Scope change is really not a foreign concept in the field of software engineering, including politically driven

jdlyga 9 minutes ago

Yes, there’s been a lot of negativity toward earlier versions of this document. It’s been around for a while and represents a formal, structured, and rigid approach to software development. Historically, it reflects the 1990s era, when waterfall was the preferred method, and there was a push to make software engineering a licensed profession. At the time, we were also in a “software crisis” where large, expensive projects with extensive documentation and formalized planning often failed. Today, we have quicker releases, faster feedback, and more direct user communication (what we now call extreme programming or agile). However, this has also led to too much cowboy programming. So it’s important to maintain some level of standards. Might be worth revisiting?

  • eacapeisfutuile 2 minutes ago

    Well also now entire companies fail quicker instead.

    It is useless because no one will read it or use it as any type of benchmark, probably rightly so here. There is a version of this at every company, just more relevant, also already not being read of course.

  • Jtsummers 6 minutes ago

    > At the time, we were also in a “software crisis” where large, expensive projects with extensive documentation and formalized planning often failed.

    If you're a US taxpayer, this crisis is not over. You've contributed to likely tens of billions of dollars in failed software projects this century, if not more. Not that this book will help in any way.

pnathan 6 hours ago

Swebok is an attempt to look at the whole ox

Cook Ding was cutting up an ox for Lord Wenhui. As every touch of his hand, every heave of his shoulder, every move of his feet, every thrust of his knee — zip! zoop! He slithered the knife along with a zing, and all was in perfect rhythm, as though he were performing the dance of the Mulberry Grove or keeping time to the Jingshou music.

“Ah, this is marvelous!” said Lord Wenhui. “Imagine skill reaching such heights!”

Cook Ding laid down his knife and replied, “What I care about is the Way, which goes beyond skill. When I first began cutting up oxen, all I could see was the ox itself. After three years I no longer saw the whole ox. And now — now I go at it by spirit and don’t look with my eyes. Perception and understanding have come to a stop and spirit moves where it wants. I go along with the natural makeup, strike in the big hollows, guide the knife through the big openings, and following things as they are. So I never touch the smallest ligament or tendon, much less a main joint.

“A good cook changes his knife once a year — because he cuts. A mediocre cook changes his knife once a month — because he hacks. I’ve had this knife of mine for nineteen years and I’ve cut up thousands of oxen with it, and yet the blade is as good as though it had just come from the grindstone. There are spaces between the joints, and the blade of the knife has really no thickness. If you insert what has no thickness into such spaces, then there’s plenty of room — more than enough for the blade to play about it. That’s why after nineteen years the blade of my knife is still as good as when it first came from the grindstone.

“However, whenever I come to a complicated place, I size up the difficulties, tell myself to watch out and be careful, keep my eyes on what I’m doing, work very slowly, and move the knife with the greatest subtlety, until — flop! the whole thing comes apart like a clod of earth crumbling to the ground. I stand there holding the knife and look all around me, completely satisfied and reluctant to move on, and then I wipe off the knife and put it away.”

“Excellent!” said Lord Wenhui. “I have heard the words of Cook Ding and learned how to care for life!”

  • mbivert 4 hours ago

    I'm convinced slowing feeding students, and having them produce good low-level codebase(s) (e.g. OSs, compilers) is a great Way to "holistically" teach them CS, much better than what's happening usually. "C is a razor-sharp tool"!

  • numbsafari 5 hours ago

    Even he admits, he had to start somewhere.

    • pnathan 4 hours ago

      The Master might say something like this, if translated crudely -

      Software engineering is programming professionally, with a dialogue on quality. Everything else is details.

      The IEEE has been riding this horse for a very long time, in the face of very serious criticism (see the ACMs comments from a quarter century ago).

      The presentation of it is _not even wrong_. It reads like a mid level manager at a very old enterprise firm wrote out what important at their firm, and took no material care for other ways. The SWEBOK has been that way for as long as I can remember ( an aside: my experience of Software Engineering academia has been so deeply negative to the point I wrote the field off in 2013. Decoupled from reality, PM oriented, toy studies- irrelevant. The SWEBOK is an artifact of that world. I should dip back in... Maybe Google & MS Research have done the real work here...)

      There's a body of _practice_ that is mildly incidental. Most acronyms are fads. Lots of ephemeral technologies that only exist as painful grimaces. IE- CORBA- SOAP, etc...

      Project management and quality management are also essentially contingent. One company does this. One that. Waterfall here. Agile there. Whirlpool the other.

      What you're left with as non contingent and timeless is in the area of compilers, algorithms, etc. Which is not SWE at all.

      If I were to write a swe body of knowledge, it would be in koan form, more than likely.

      • q7xvh97o2pDhNrh 4 hours ago

        > The IEEE has been riding this horse for a very long time

        Well, there's your mistake right there. You're supposed to be riding an ox.

        All this talk of oxen and horses got me curious about the PDF, so I went and took a look. It's really far worse than you've described.

        I couldn't stomach it for too long, but here's some highlights:

        (1) The first ~65 pages are about "requirements gathering." Page 60 offers up this gem of insight:

            Priority = ((Value * (1 - Risk)) / Cost
        (2) The next hundreds of pages go through topics in sequence, like "Architecture" and "Design" (who knew they were different?). Naturally, "Security" is slapped on several hundred pages later.

        I couldn't make it through the whole PDF, in all honesty. But I'm quite certain the soul of software engineering is nowhere to be found in there; they've eliminated it entirely and replaced it with stamp-collecting and checklists.

      • walterbell 4 hours ago

        > If I were to write a swe body of knowledge, it would be in koan form, more than likely.

        Please do! You can continue with standalone HN comments, which can be upvoted to enlighten human and AI bot alike.

beryilma 7 hours ago

> The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide), published by the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS), represents the current state of generally accepted, consensus-based knowledge emanating from the interplay between software engineering theory and practice. Its objectives include the provision of guidance for learners, researchers, and practitioners to identify and share a common understanding of “generally accepted knowledge” in software engineering, defining the boundary between software engineering and related disciplines, and providing a foundation for certifications and educational curricula.

epolanski 3 hours ago

After seeing so much negativity and controversy around this book in the comments, I'm quite convinced to giving it a read.

I've seen so little "engineering" in software world, regardless of the company and how many ivy league devs it hires to be fully convinced that a work of encoding software engineering knowledge is worth the effort, and even attempts like this are valuable reads in such a gigantic vacuum, even just to start a discussion and to be able to disagree on definitions and practices.

  • rockemsockem 2 hours ago

    I love the notion of having standard definitions and practices that are specifically not agreed on and will be argued about every time they come up.

tptacek 5 hours ago

SWEBOK 4 adds a dedicated section for security, but it's painfully 2012 (testing, for instance, centers on the old industry-driven "SAST" vs. "DAST" distinction). It also promotes stuff like Common Criteria and CVSS. The "domain-specific" security section could have been pulled out of the OWASP wiki from 2012 as well: "cloud", "IOT", "machine learning".

  • codetrotter an hour ago

    Are there any freely available books you would recommend for 2024 security in software engineering?

    (Freely available in the same sense that the SWEBOK is I mean; you can read it free of charge without DRM and without having to resort to piracy. Doesn't have to be a fully free book that goes as far as to allow modification and redistribution although that is an extra nice bonus if any of your suggested books are like that.)

miffy900 4 hours ago

So at the start of each chapter, the book has a table of abbreviations and their definitions, called 'Acronyms'. To whoever wrote or edited the book: please lookup the definition of the word 'acronym': "an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. NASA)." Not all of the abbreviations listed are acronyms! Most are just plain old initialisms.

Since when has anyone ever tried to pronounce 'GPS' as anything other than G-P-S? Also "ECS" = "Ecosystem"? Maybe I'm just crazy but I've never heard or read anyone abbreviate ecosystem as 'ECS'. I've come across ECS as entity component system in video game engines, but never as just 'ecosystem'. Also it's defined exactly once in chapter 5 and then never used again in the book. Why even bother to mention it then?

Oh and publish it as a PDF, but then have no actual page numbers?

  • jcarrico 3 hours ago

    From Merriam Webster:

    a word (such as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term

    also : an abbreviation (such as FBI) formed from initial letters : initialism

    It appears the meaning of the word has changed over time.

kazinator 6 hours ago

> Popular OOP languages include C++, C#, Cobol 2002, Java, Python, Lisp, Perl, Object Pascal, Ruby and Smalltalk.


rockemsockem an hour ago

I would love to hear someone that actually works in a place that requires credentials like the PE comment on having a course based on this as a credential.

There are way too many software engineers with lofty ideas about how physical engineers can magically know all the answers to all the problems they could ever have.

kragen 7 hours ago

It's so unfortunate that this effort is still alive. The ACM canceled its involvement for excellent reasons which are worth reading: https://web.archive.org/web/20000815071233/http://www.acm.or...

It's probably also worth reading Dijkstra's assessment of the "software engineering" field (roughly coextensive with what the SWEBOK attempts to cover) from EWD1036, 36 years ago.

> Software engineering, of course, presents itself as another worthy cause, but that is eyewash: if you carefully read its literature and analyse what its devotees actually do, you will discover that software engineering has accepted as its charter "How to program if you cannot.".


The ACM's criticisms, however, are much harsher and much more closely focused on the ill-conceived SWEBOK project.

The IEEE's continued involvement calls the IEEE's own credibility and integrity into question—as do its continued opposition to open-access publishing and its recent history of publishing embarrassingly incompetent technical misinformation in IEEE Spectrum (cf., e.g., https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41593788, though there are many other examples). What is going on at IEEE?

  • TrueDuality 5 hours ago

    Wanted to call out the specific requirements for what the ACM wanted out of their participation in creating a core body of knowledge (from the linked reasoning):

        * It must reflect actual achievable good practice that ensures quality consistent with the stated interest; it is not that following such practices are guaranteed to produce perfect software systems, but rather that doing so can provide reasonably intuitive expectations of quality.
        * It must delineate roles among the participants in a software project.
        * It must identify the differential expertise of specialties within software engineering.
        * It must command the respect of the community.
        * It must embrace change in each and every dimension of its definition; that is, it must be associated with a robust process for ensuring that it is continually updated to account for the rapid change both in knowledge in software engineering and also in the underlying technologies.
    It then details exactly how SWEBOK fails to meet those (which all still seem to be relevant) and comes to the following scathing conclusion:

        Overall, it is clear that the SWEBOK effort is structurally unable to satisfy any substantial set of
    the requirements we identified for bodies of knowledge in software engineering, independent of its specific content.

    I haven't read the SWEBOK but some spot checking and a review of the ToC seems to indicate they have not meaningfully taken that criticism into an account.

  • bigiain 3 hours ago

    On a tangent here, but...

    > The ACM canceled its involvement for excellent reasons which are worth reading: https://web.archive.org/web/20000815071233/http://www.acm.or...

    This jumped out at me from the first para there:

    " ... also stating its opposition to licensing software engineers, on the grounds that licensing is premature ... "

    I wonder what ACM's current thinking on licensing software engineers is almost 25 years further on?

  • beryilma 5 hours ago

    As much as I like Dijkstra and this particular article of his (it is an assigned reading in my "Software Engineering" class), developing any large scale software that we have today starting from formal methods is just a fantasy.

    I understand the importance of learning formal methods (discrete math, logic, algorithms, etc.), but they are not nearly enough to help someone get started with a software project and succeed at it.

    So, if not "software engineering", then what should we teach to a student who is going to be thrown into the software world as it exists in its current form?

    • numbsafari 5 hours ago

      Since we’re talking Dijkstra, perhaps “structured programming” is a starting place.

  • Rochus 5 hours ago

    > The ACM canceled its involvement for excellent reasons which are worth reading

    Interesting, thanks for the hint; the paper is from 2000 though, and as it seems it would need an update; just checked e.g. the "roles" point and it seems there were significant changes. I also think ACM has rather different goals than IEEE.

    > It's probably also worth reading Dijkstra's assessment of the "software engineering" field

    Well, was there anything or anyone that Dijkstra didn't rant about ;-)

  • Niksko 6 hours ago

    Very interesting. Particularly their notion (paraphrasing) that SWEBOK attempts to record generally recognised knowledge in software engineering while excluding knowledge about more specific subdomains of software.

    That over-deference towards general knowledge coupled with some sort of tie to a similar Australian effort probably explains why the software engineering degree I began in Australia felt like a total waste of time. I remember SWEBOK being mentioned frequently. I can't say I've gotten terribly much value out of that learning in my career.

    • kanbankaren an hour ago

      I am guessing that you didn't get value out of it probably because you didn't work in avionics, medicine, defense, etc? Those industries where a software fault is unacceptable and has to work for decades.

      In some industries like avionics and medical instruments, the programmer might be personally held responsible for any loss of life/injury if it could be proven.

      Having read Software Engineering and Formal Methods 25 years ago, I could say that IEEE leans heavily towards SE like it is a profession.

      It is not going to be appealing to the crowd of Enterprise developers who use Python, Javascript, Web development etc.

  • michaelsbradley 6 hours ago

    Any suggestion for a handbook or compendium that you consider to be a worthy alternative?

    • lifeisstillgood 6 hours ago

      The thing here is, this reads like a prissy textbook that no-one can really disagree with but is still not gripping the reality. More HR handbook than blood-red manual.

      For example, project management. The book covers this but does the usual wrong headed way of imagining there are executives with clear eyed Vision and lay down directives.

      This is of course not how most projects in most companies are started. It’s a mess - reality impinges on the organisation, pain and loss and frustration result in people making fixes and adjustments. Some tactical fixes are put in place, covered by “business as usual”, usually more than one enthusiastic manager thinks their solution will be the best, and a mixture of politics and pragmatism results in a competition to be the one project that will solve the problem and get the blessed budget. By the time there is an official project plan, two implementations exist already, enough lessons learnt that the problem is easily solved, but with sufficient funding all that will be abandoned and have to be rebuilt from scratch - and at a furious pace to meet unrealistic expectations that corners will be cut leading …

      That manual needs to be written.

      • epolanski 3 hours ago

        You know that you could be speaking about mining operations or building highways in your post rather than software and everything would apply the same?

        I really don't see the argument against the book here in your comment.

      • fragmede 3 hours ago

        You seem to have quite a bit of lived experience with that particular version of project management. Why not write it yourself?

  • BJones12 5 hours ago

    > software engineering has accepted as its charter "How to program if you cannot.".

    Is that supposed to be a negative? Isn't that the point of any profession? Like are any of these analogs negative?:

    Medicine has accepted as its charter "How to cure disease if you cannot."

    Accounting has accepted as its charter "How to track money if you cannot."

    Flight schools has accepted as its charter "How to fly if you cannot."

    • Exoristos 2 hours ago

      I really don't think he means "cannot" in the sense of "presently don't know how," but more categorically--along the lines of chiropractic being the profession for those who cannot cure the way an MD can. I think it's an indictment of hackery.

osigurdson 3 hours ago

For me "BOK" is correlated with the creation of false industry and certification.

TZubiri 39 minutes ago

Taking a look at the index, a couple of issues which would make it not in my interest:

1- very heavy on process management. Not against studying it, but 70% is a lot. Also it isn't a very objective area of knowledge, there's hundreds of ways to skin the pig, which probably explains why it takes so much space.

2- a whole chapter about architecture, which isn't a very well regarded as an independent branch of computer science/systems engineering knowledge.

3- at last, in the technical section, databases shares a section along with fundamentals like processes and operating systems?

All in all it looks like a dictionary/checkbox built by a comittee rather than a consistent perspective on software.

And as a textbook it's got problems as well as mentioned, it has a doubtful taxonomy and too heavy on process engineering.

Tl;dr: I'm getting Orange Eating 101 vibes https://youtu.be/pR6z-gm5_cY?t=38&si=F7knCRNcFET7nki7

Anyways, my 2 cents, won't be reading it.

abtinf 3 hours ago

300 pages* is perhaps not quite the length one would expect for Version 4.0 of such an ambitious undertaking.

* Actual page count less front/back matter and a rough guess at pages of matrices and references.

JanSt 6 hours ago

If you really want someone interested in software development to run away, hand them books like this one.

  • epolanski 2 hours ago

    This is meant for engineers, a certification-like body of the core knowledge of the field.

  • NotGMan 5 hours ago

    This was my first thought.

    If this ever starts to get thought in CS university courses the amount of devs would dramaticaly reduce due to trauma.

    • epolanski 2 hours ago

      Software quality may increase though, because there's a desperate lack of solid engineering practices across the industry.

ctz 6 hours ago

  Runtime errors surface when a program
  runs into an unexpected condition or situation
  such as dividing by zero, memory overflow, or
  addressing a wrong or unauthorized memory
  location or device, or when a program tries to
  perform an illegitimate or unauthorized operation
  or tries to access a library, for example.
  The programs must be thoroughly tested for
  various types of inputs (valid data sets, invalid
  data sets and boundary value data sets) and
  conditions to identify these errors. Once identified,
  runtime errors are easy to fix.
Embarrassing horseshit.
  • dustfinger 6 hours ago

    > or tries to access a library

    I had to open the PDF and find this line to confirm. It really says that. It reads as if claiming that any program that accesses a library will then have a runtime error. That is obviously not what they intended, but I have read it over a few times now and cannot see another interpretation.

    • TrueDuality 6 hours ago

      That line is referring to shared libraries linked to a dynamic executable. If a shared library isn't installed or available you will receive an error similar to the following:

          $ ./main
          ./main: error while loading shared libraries: librandom.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
      Which is indeed a runtime error.

      There is also the common use case of hot-reloading compiled code which dynamically loads and unloads shared libraries without restarting the entire application. It needs to be done carefully but you've likely used an application that does this. Failure to load a library, or loading an incompatible one will also create a runtime error.

      Looks like there is a lot of bad generalizations in here, but they are technically correct on this one.

      • dustfinger 5 hours ago

        I understand that is what they meant, but it is not what they wrote. They should have qualified the statement as you did, with the conditions that yield a runtime error. Even if they generalized those conditions that would have been fine.

        for example:

          or tries to access a library that it is unable to for some reason without handling the resulting error.
        • eacapeisfutuile an hour ago

          So… most likely it is a “typo” or edit-mistake or similar. If you understand what they meant then all is good, no?

        • wakawaka28 4 hours ago

          Ah, but the existence of a suitable library in the environment is assumed. So not having it is an unexpected condition.

      • stonemetal12 5 hours ago

        Perhaps if they said "tries and fails to access a library". Merely attempting to access (possibly successfully) a library is not an error.

  • TZubiri 30 minutes ago

    Reads like chatgpt, or those insufferable linkedin autogenerated ai questions:

    "How would you secure a system?"

  • prewett 4 hours ago

    I suppose, yeah, when I figure out the exact reason why the error occurred, fixing it is often easy. The finding, however, can often take a long time, which leaves me feeling "once you have driven across the continent, finding your desired endpoint is a quick process". "Once constructed, installing the door on your new house is a simple and easy task". Well, sure, if you take out the time-consuming parts, it's quick and easy.

    Except for all those runtime errors where the fix required major refactoring, or the problem is in a third party library, the OS, or some other unchangeable component.

  • wakawaka28 4 hours ago

    What exactly is wrong with it? That is a definition fit for someone who does not have prior knowledge of what a runtime error is. It might be boring to us, and I might word it a little different, but it's fine.

    • miffy900 2 hours ago

      For me it's the last sentence: "Once identified, runtime errors are easy to fix." Well no not really - it depends on the issue; sometimes a solution isn't 'fixing' it, sometimes choosing what to do next after identifying the root cause is it's own task. Maybe it's working around it, like amending the return value with amended data, or patching the API itself by wrapping it in an intermediate API and swallowing exceptions. Guidance on addressing runtime errors should never presuppose that 'fixing' it will be easy - it will always depend on the context. Just get rid of that last sentence and it's a better statement.

      Imagine instead it's for criminal defense lawyers: re-word it to be advice for attorneys defending their client against a prosecution. "Once [all exculpatory evidence against your client] is identified, defending them against a guilty verdict is easy to do"

      It sounds like it's written by someone who has never practiced in the real world.

      • wakawaka28 an hour ago

        I think it should say runtime errors "are usually easy to fix" because they are usually a result of simple logical errors or technical issues. But you're right, it does not account for all possibilities.

jongjong an hour ago

I've noticed that a lot of engineering books cover concepts which are useful in the hands of senior developers but are harmful in the hands of junior developers because they misunderstand the nuance due to lack of experience.

It reminds me of the phrase "If all you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.." But in the case of a thick design patterns book, it amounts to giving the junior dev a whole toolbox... The junior dev tends to assume that every problem they'll ever face requires them to use one of the tools from that toolbox... But reality isn't so neat; you rarely use a specific tool in its native form as it's described. They are conceptual tools which need to be adapted to various situations and they are only really useful in highly complex scenarios which can often be avoided entirely.

The one piece of advice which is closest to 'universal' which I can give about software development is this:

"You should be able to walk through and describe any feature provided by your code using plain English, in such a way that a non-technical listener would gain a complete understanding of what the code is doing but without having to dive into functions whose implementation details would exceed the listener's mental capabilities."

When someone talks me through some feature they developed and they start jumping around 10 different files 80% of which have technical names which they invented and they keep having to define new concepts just to explain what the code is doing at a high level; this is a red flag. It shows that their code is over-engineered and that they haven't fully made sense of what they're doing in their own mind.

My philosophy is basically a variant of "Rubber duck debugging" as proposed in the book "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas... But you imagine the duck to have the intellect and knowledge of a non-technical middle-manager, and you use the approach during design and development; not just debugging.