too_damn_fast an hour ago

In the past two days, the official Syncthing Android client has been discontinued, making the use of KeePass harder. Bitwarden has been trying to move away from a fully FOSS system. And now this?

  • dailykoder 5 minutes ago

    I've been using keepass for quite a number of years now. I have my database and a security key. I sync my database with dropbox (because I am too lazy to self-host something like nextcloud) between devices and just manually copy my key on everry device. My key was never synced through the internet.

    I hope that's secure enough and works fine for me. I guess syncthing is just smaller and obviously doesn't need a third party?

  • tout 21 minutes ago

    fwiw i've recently moved to sharing my kpdb using taildrive. The KeePass Android app can open databases from WebDAV

    • TheBozzCL 9 minutes ago

      For iOS, Keepassium can use WebDAV as well.

  • sunshine-o 15 minutes ago

    The reason is the idea of a free operating system and software has been shattered and is now a guest in big corporations and Github.

    It still kind of work but it is starting to crack in a few places.

sunshine-o 24 minutes ago

This is actually a better outcome than finding out one day the app have a serious security problem.

While i like `pass` and that Android app looked really good, this is just not serious.

Because the fact that most people will end up trusting a random app as their password manager because it has 2k star on Github is crazy.

If you want to use `pass` on Android you should tinker something with termux .

  • mr_mitm 9 minutes ago

    In actually SSH into my desktop PC and use pass there to access my secrets.

    Luckily, I only need to do this occasionally, so the inconvenience is bearable. Still waiting on the day where I randomly get logged out of an important app while not having internet access, or the power going out in my apartment right after I leave for two weeks (happened once, luckily didn't need my passwords then).

mr_mitm an hour ago

This seems to happen more and more often, or at least it feels that way to me. FLOSS projects that aren't highly critical but very useful are maintained by only one person which loses interest, burns out or simply has other priorities. Sometimes they don't even make an announcement like here and just ghost the project. Very sad, even though understandable.

Kwpolska 25 minutes ago

Password Store sounds like a cool Unixy idea, but it's quite janky in my experience, especially if non-desktop-Unix systems are involved. The Android app was fine; it integrated with a GPG app that was less fine.

computerfriend an hour ago

This is such a great application.

I feel like it's complete already and would be happy if it just continued to exist without much or any maintenance.

WD-42 2 hours ago

Dang, this is rough. Pass is imo still the best password manager if you set it up right.

Hopefully someone picks this up.

fahimscirex 2 hours ago

That's saddening. APS used to be my daily driver once, and later I moved to Bitwarden.